
Proctor & Gamble R260 Million Site Expansion

Since Procter & Gamble (P&G) pledged an investment of R300-million in its new manufacturing facility in 2018, the company has further expanded their facility in recent months through a site expansion and new product innovation valued at R260 million.

The plant, in Gauteng’s Kempton Park was commissioned in 2019 with an additional line for the company’s new Always sanitary pad and another additional line for Pampers diapers, bringing the latest in innovation and technology to South Africa. The plant was described by P&G as a “zero waste to landfill site”, which meant that the latest energy saving initiatives were used despite the additional lines added to meet the demand. That initial investment increased employment by 30 percent, as the company already enjoyed the creation of 4000 jobs through its value chain.

This additional investment looks to create a further 300 jobs through their product value chain with the company focusing on local suppliers and localisation where possible.